Wesley Centre
3 Henry Street
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 03 578 5796
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]
Office hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am -12 noon
Minister: Rev. Tavake Manu
Our Services

Sunday Worship
We gather for worship on Sunday morning at 10.00am and there is a warm invitation to join us.
Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of each month.
Everyone is invited and welcome to participate in receiving communion.
We celebrate communion with an open table, which means that we welcome anyone to join us in receiving the bread and grape juice, from any background of faith and any age. It is Methodist practice not to serve wine, but unfermented grape juice. People are invited to come forward for communion and may kneel or stand. For those unable to move easily, the Presbyter will serve them where they are seated.

Tongan Fellowship
On Communion Sundays the Tongan Congregation join us for worship. They also have Tongan language services on Sunday afternoons.
5th Sunday of the Month
On any 5th Sunday in a month we have a combined service with our neighbours St Andrews Presbyterian. Also during January the two congregations share worship together.
Parish Life
Church services in rest homes are taken by our Presbyter and lay preachers.
1st Blenheim Boys Brigade meets Monday night in The Foundry.
Methodist Women's Fellowship - 2 groups meet monthly.
The 1905 Hobday organ is played to accompany traditional and contemporary hymns. We use songs from NZ Hymnbook Trust collection, many written by Colin Gibson and Shirley Murray. We also sing great Wesley hymns, sometimes amending the words to make them more inclusive and relevant. On occasion the choir will provide music.
Contact Blenheim Parish
In the Methodist tradition, we are an inclusive congregation welcoming all to learn and grow in the faith, and sharing our love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ with the community we serve.

Where Church & Community Meet